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Hi All,
With fall and winter approching soon, I was wondering, does anybody have any remedys, (homespun or otherwise) to keep mice out of your car while it is in storage?
I was at a car show last weekend and a guy with a GTO told me that he uses canisters with cloves in them. He said it works great.
I figured he was me when, sure enough, he pulls out a pill bottle sized container full of cooking cloves, with an open fabric cover held on by a rubber band.
He said in 4 winter's of stoage, they never failed to work. He places 4 or 5 containers through out the car, and it always works.
Anyone Else with some ideas?
I live and work around people with scientific minds and thinking. I need more proof than that to start using cloves. So, I use cats. Big ones. Years of scientific research and several generations of TV cartoons prove that rodents don't like cats.
Seriously, I know a rodent can chew through most anything, so a physical barrier seems useless. Cloves might work but maybe he's just had good luck and it's not really the cloves.
Moth balls will probably keep rodents AND YOU away.
I have been intrigued by those small electronic devices that repel rodents with sound frequencies that humans can't hear, but that might not be easy to rig up or even practical.
I've also heard that mothballs, work. Also heard something about clothes dryer sheets, eg... snuggles, white rain, etc....
I guess in all these remedies, it is the smell, that repels them.
I have some barns and outbuildings on my property and I would rather use them instead of paying for a strorage garage. However, I would be happy to pay a storage fee instead of having a mouse eat through the wiring of my Galaxie.
It will be the first year i've had to store anything through a winter,and I would like to avoid all rodent, troubles.
Last edited by blue oval me (August 17, 2013 8:48 am)
I use drier sheets. works fantastic!!! I have used them several winters and never had any issues.
Thanks Daze, that seems to be the most popular remedy i've come across so far.
So far, I have had no problems with rodents, but I would hate for my 64' Gal to smell like mothballs, especially the sweatty ones. I have ,however, found sunflower seeds in the hood insulation of my F-150. The feeder is on the opposite side of the house. Go figure. Just in case anyone wondered, I'm still around. LOL Don
ragan64 wrote:
Just in case anyone wondered, I'm still around. LOL Don
I really was starting to wonder. glad to here from you!!!