This forum is for all years of the Ford Galaxie and all other Full-size Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury cars. This is a place to share information, skills, pictures, and stories for the purpose of building friendships and furthering the enjoyment and restoration of these cars |
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Looking for a copy of the dealer instructions for installing the under dash A/C unit in a 1964 Galaxie. I have the parts, just not sure where to locate the mounting holes on the firewall.
Thanks for any input
A.C. on a 64 Galaxie is straight forward. The dirty work includes replacing the crankshaft and fan pulleys.
The hoses pass through the firewall just right of top center. I think the holes are prepunched.
Do not forget: New hoses and o-rings for 134a freon
New receiver dryer. Keep it sealed until it is installed.
Rubber seals where the hoses pass through the firewall
134 a freon
Consider an electric fan in front of the condenser.
You should have good friends that are in the auto-air business to make up the new hoses
and charge the new system. Retail can be expensive.
I have a similar project on my 59 Galaxie. The real tough area is that the hoses pass through the fire wall
under the edge of the left front fender. The holes are not pre-punched......that I know of.
Thanks John, The engine part is done, compressor mounted and pulleys updated when I rebuilt the engine. My problem is where to punch the 2 mounting holes in the firewall for the support bracket for the evaporator. Can't find the dimples in the firewall - hole is there for the hoses.
Perhaps other owners can shed some light on this.
Question: How long is the crankshaft bolt? Do you have the old Y-block or an FE engine?
Can I possibly swap the CS pulley without removing the radiator?
Mine is the FE, 390, don't remember the length of the C/S bolt but I think it was longer because of the added sheave on the pulley. I think the hard part of swapping the pulley is getting the old one off, need a puller, not sure of the room there.
Removing the radiator is relatively easy and makes everything on the front of the engine much more accessible.
All this tech support is great to be filed away until next May or so. Our 59 Sunliner soon will be covered up
in winter storage. Wisconsin is wonderful. No old car repair bills for the next 5 months. I'll try to down or up-load
pictures of her. I printed the instructions. Dumb Question: What is the Browse button?
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